In light of recent web development trends, it’s also worth being aware of progressive web apps.

While standard web apps lack some of the functionality that mobile apps can offer, progressive web apps fall somewhere in between.

Unlike standard web apps (and more like native mobile apps), progressive web apps are able to work offline, and load extremely quickly. This is primarily down to advancements in the sophistication of the modern browser: thanks to the Application Cache feature, websites can now store large volumes of data offline.

Progressive web apps can therefore be used without an internet connection, giving them some typical native mobile app functionalities such as push notifications, native video and audio capture, and native video playback.

Just like standard web apps, progressive web apps don’t require download or installation. In many ways, they seem to offer the best of both worlds.

As Alex Russell, who invented the term, describes them: PWAs are “responsive, connectivity-independent, app-like, fresh, safe, discoverable, re-engageable, installable, linkable web experiences.”

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